Harley Medical Services Ltd
Health and Safety Policy
It is our aim to ensure that you have a safe and healthy place in which to work. Our Clients will do their utmost to ensure that this is the case, however safety is an issue we must all contribute to. These details highlight the key areas of health & safety, which you should be aware of and implement to ensure your health and safety when undertaking any assignment via the agency. It is very important that you read, understand and implement the various requirements set out below. Should you have any queries or concerns regarding safety you should act immediately, raising the concerns with:
Your Direct Supervisor within the organisation in which you are working; or
Your Recruitment Consultant responsible for your assignment. Do not allow any concerns to remain outstanding you have the right to expect a safe and healthy work environment and any issues must be addressed without delay.
Harley Medical Safety Policy
All Clients of the Agency are responsible for the provision of a safe and healthy work environment in which the staff supplied can undertake the work required. This is a prime requirement and is set out in the Terms of Business supplied by the agency to every client prior to an assignment being undertaken. As the agency has no direct control over the workplace and equipment provided by clients, the initial point of contact regarding safety issues will always be your direct manager or supervisor. Issues raised should be dealt with the minimum of delay, and you should never be asked to continue working in a manner which may, in any way, compromise your safety or that of those around you. If any point has been raised you should report the problem to a member of the agency staff so that they are aware of the situation and can liaise with the client as to the action being taken. Should you feel that the problem has not been dealt with in a proper and timely manner you MUST inform the agency immediately. Do not attempt to undertake any work you are not trained to do which may compromise your safety or that of those around you. You should never be asked to undertake work or use plant/equipment for which you have not been fully trained. Should you be asked to work in a way which you feel you are not qualified or trained to do you must ask the client to contact the agency immediately. The agency will make every effort to ensure your safety during the period of any assignment, however, as a temporary /contract worker you have a key responsibility to ensure that you work in a safe and responsible manner at all times. If you’re not sure - report it.
The Law
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the principle statute for ensuring that appropriate standards exist in respect of workplace safety within the UK. The law states: “You must take reasonable care of the health and safety of yourself and of other persons who may be affected by your acts or omissions at work.” and further that: “You must not intentionally or recklessly interfere or misuse anything provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare.” Every workplace should display a ‘Health and Safety Law’ poster, which summarises the key points relating to Health & Safety in the workplace. You can consult this poster for details and responsible parties within the organisation at which you are assigned.
Your first step when you first arrive at the assignment you should establish the following:
Name of Fire Warden or responsible person, Fire Procedure, Fire Exits, Fire evacuation muster points
Name of First Aider and location of First Aid equipment
Name of person responsible for Health & Safety within your workplace
If there are any procedures or hazards which impact upon your workplace or responsibilities
The location of any special or protective equipment required in the workplace; and
Any local safety rules or requirements. As a temporary/contract worker you are entitled to be treated in the same manner as any other worker in respect of your Health, Safety & Welfare. If you are not sure, ask. Safety should be everyone’s priority
Always ensure that you dress appropriately for the work you are undertaking. Avoid any items, which restrict you movement, may cause trip hazard, or may snag in moving equipment (e.g. printers). Always wear protective equipment when instructed to do so including safety shoes, eye protectors, ear protectors and hard hats. If equipment is not available report it immediately.
General Conduct
Irresponsible behaviour can lead to accidents & injury.
Walk. Don’t run. Always look where you are going and take care especially in blind spots like doorways, blind corners, openings & around partitioning
Avoid reading documents whilst walking, pay attention to what is ahead
When using stairways take care, use handrails if provided
Do not interfere with or attempt to repair electrical equipment, report problems to your supervisor
Do not leave obstacles in passages or walk ways, keep your work place tidy and think about the safety of others
Do not block fire doors or exits
Do not wedge open fire doors
Do not remove or relocate fire extinguishers or other fire equipment
Office Equipment
All equipment should be in working order and located in a place, which can be accessed safely by users. Never attempt to repair equipment yourself, report defects to your supervisor who will arrange the necessary repair or replacement.
You must use office equipment in a safe manner:
Avoid leaving drawers open, especially at high or low levels
Sit on chairs properly, avoid leaning backwards or placing undue strain on chairs
Never stand on chairs to access items at height
Always empty drawers or cupboards before attempting to move or always fill filing cabinets from the bottom drawer upwards
Never place sharp objects in waste bins (blades, glass etc)
Always follow manufacturer’s instructions when operating electrical equipment
Lifting Poor lifting technique can cause severe and lasting injury, follow these simple rules:
Do not lift very heavy items, ask for assistance or specialist help
For heavy objects use a trolley if possible
If you must lift heavy objects
Keep your back straight
Bend and lift from the knees
Ensure you always have a firm & secure grip
Hold the item as close to your body as possible
Lift from your legs, not your back
If you feel any undue strain replace the object and seek assistance with the lift
Never attempt to lift heavy objects above waist/desk height
Make sure that access is clear of trip hazards and that doors are held open by a co-worker.
Slips & Falls Slips & falls are the main cause of accidents within the office.
Take extra care on staircases, use handrails if available
Always keep your work area tidy and free from trip hazards
Place waste bins in safe place away from areas used to walk
Ensure any spillage is cleaned up without delay, especially on smooth or polished floors
Avoid trailing cables, report to your supervisor if you do not have access to power or telephone points
The standard and level of lighting in the office should be adequate to provide a comfortable and safe working environment.
Ensure all offices & passageways are well lit. Report defective lighting to your supervisor and do not attempt to repair lighting yourself.
Visual Display Units (VDUs)
If you are using VDU’s regularly, follow these simple rules:
Ensure your chair is comfortable, at the correct height and supports your lower back
Avoid long periods in the same position, changing position avoids strain
Avoid repetitive stretching movements
Place equipment in a position which suits your reach
Ensure screen is sharp and that characters can be read easily
If you need glasses, wear them
Adjust screen brightness/contrast to suit lighting conditions
Locate VDU to avoid glare (or ask your supervisor to assist)
Clean screen regularly
Take regular breaks away from your work area. If you experience regular headaches or eyestrain seek medical advice Fire You must adhere to the following simple fire precautions in order to minimise the risks resulting from fire and smoke
Fire Safety
Ensure that you know the sound of the fire alarm
Get to know the locations of fire escapes & exits
Get to know where fire extinguishers are located
Never wedge open or obstruct fire doors
Ensure electrical items are switched off when you leave the office
In the event of an alarm evacuate the office immediately
Do not use lifts during evacuation, use stairs carefully
Do not waste time clearing your desk
If possible take your wallet or handbag with you but do not return for it if it is in another part of the building
Close doors behind you
Only smoke in designated areas
Types of Extinguishers
Water (Red) For use with wood, paper & textiles (Never electrical)
Dry Powder (Blue) For use with wood, paper & textiles and flam. Liquids and electrical
Foam (Buff) For use with wood, paper & textiles and flam. Liquids (Never electrical)
CO2 (Black) Flammable liquids & Electrical (Not paper, wood or textiles)
These notes are not exhaustive and represent key points & issues only. You must always comply fully with the Health & Safety rules/procedures applicable with your place of work.
“Think safety… work safely”
Harley Medical Services Ltd - Health and Safety Policy - Version 1.0.1 Approved by the board on 21.01.2022. © Harley Medical Services Ltd 2022